Traffic Calming on Stewart Avenue

QUESTIONNAIRE – Please click here to participate:

A continuing priority of the Newcastle neighbourhood has been to improve safety on Stewart Avenue. In the past, this has been difficult because the street is a provincial highway owned by the BC Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure (MOTI). Recently, however, MOTI has been more amenable to considering traffic calming features on its roadways. As a result, the City of Nanaimo’s Transportation Department plans to have a workshop with the Newcastle community sometime in the fall to do some bottom-up planning around traffic calming.

The goal would be to enhance our vibrant, livable and walkable neighbourhood by reducing the negative impact of through vehicle traffic on Stewart Avenue. In preparation for this activity, the Newcastle Community Association has developed the following questionnaire to get a sense of what residents consider important in managing traffic on Stewart Avenue.

Your participation is important and appreciated.

What is traffic calming: Traffic calming uses a variety of tools within roadways to create safer streets, including raised median islands, textured crosswalks, sidewalk extensions, narrowing lanes, yield to pedestrian signage and on street parking to help reduce vehicle speeds and volumes. This creates more comfortable streets for walking, cycling, and living, while also creating safer driving conditions. Improvements can also attract more foot traffic and boost local economies.

Questionnaire Link